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  • Profile photo of Essence of Witchcraft owner, Dana

    Release your Inner Witch

The Essence of Witchcraft

“Being a witch means living in this world consciously, powerfully, and unapologetically.” Welcome to the Essence of Witchcraft, your number one witch stop for all witchcraft, wizardry, and occult-related goodies and items. Dana, the founder, is well versed in the world of Tarot and offers card readings. Witchy blogs and how-it’s-made videos are below for your viewing pleasure. Immerse yourself into the witchcraft world and cultivate your soul.

Essence of witchcraft cat photo
Photo of Dana, Essence of Witchcraft owner
Photo of cat by the moon
Profile photo of Essence of Witchcraft owner, Dana

Dana has had a strong passion for witchcraft since she was quite young. She kept studying her craft and learning as much as she could about witchcraft, black magic, spells and Tarot. Be it, tv shows, movies or books, she loves the fandom and genres that it brings.

Today, Dana brought her passion for witchcraft to fruition with her company, the Essence of Witchcraft. She will continue to offer more products and services that align with her passions. The Essence of Witchcraft is ready to feed your imagination. Bring your spellbook, broomstick and cauldron. Let’s get started.

Heal your Center

“There’s a little witch in all of us.” From ancient to medieval times, witches have been creating remedies, potions and elixirs to fix whatever ails them.

From candles to aura sprays, Essence of Witchcraft has got you covered. Current offerings include bath bombs, chakra candles, Florida water, and aura spray. All are authentic and hand-made. View them at the witch shop today.

Heal your Center

“There’s a little witch in all of us.” From ancient to medieval times, witches have been creating remedies, potions and elixirs to fix whatever ails them.

From candles to aura sprays, Essence of Witchcraft has got you covered. Current offerings include bath bombs, chakra candles, Florida water, and aura spray. All are authentic and hand-made. View them at the witch shop today.


Inner Witch 🕸

“Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.” Every witch needs her necessary accessories at hand. You can find them right here. Current accessories include witch runes, witch bells, zodiac candles, spell satchels and witch jars.

Shop for your favourite witch accessories at the witch shop today. What are you waiting for?


Inner Witch 🕸

“Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble.” Every witch needs her necessary accessories at hand. You can find them right here. Current accessories include witch runes, witch bells, zodiac candles, spell satchels and witch jars.

Shop for your favourite witch accessories at the witch shop today. What are you waiting for?

See your Future


Ever wonder what your future looks like? Tarot is a divination system that uses a set of cards to determine outcomes of the future and aid in areas of relationship, life changes, opportunities and much more. Dana has accrued a lot of knowledge of Tarot over the years. She is ready to help and read your future.

Tarot is an effective method of managing your present, no matter where you are in your life. Tarot readings are available online using the online schedule provided. Click on the button below to learn more about Dana’s Tarot reading offerings.

Essence of Witchcraft Tarot cards

View the Gallery

Dana’s social media feeds are chalked full of interesting witchcraft-related content. Tarot cards, cats, and more! Make sure to join her socials at the top and bottom of the page. View her gallery at the link below.

Essence of Witchcraft Dana product photo
Essence of Witchcraft Dana product photo

How it’s Made

Ever wonder how any of Essence of Witchcraft’s products get made? Take a look at Dana’s videos which give you a first-hand look at her one-of-a-kind products. From runes to candles to aura sprays, each product has a different process. And so much to learn and be inspired by. Take a look at her videos now.

Witchcraft Lore

Back in ancient times, the spellbook was one of the most important items a witch possessed. Instead of spellbooks, today’s witches use blogs to write to the masses. Dana writes about anything and everything witchcraft-related which sparks the interest of her fellow reader. Get studious. Read her blog today.

  • Coming Soon

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    Contact Dana today with any questions or inquiries. Witch-related or not. She would love to hear from you.